Proposed Unit Consolidation
BackMar 17, 2021
Announcement Title | Share Consolidation |
Date & Time of Broadcast | Mar 17, 2021 22:59 |
Status | New |
Corporate Action Reference | SG210317SPLRRACL |
Submitted By (Co./ Ind. Name) | Simon Garing |
Designation | Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director |
Event Narrative | |
Narrative Type | Narrative Text |
Additional Text | Cromwell EREIT Management Pte. Ltd., as manager of Cromwell European Real Estate Investment Trust ("CEREIT", and the manager of CEREIT, the "Manager"), wishes to announce the proposed unit consolidation (the "Proposed Unit Consolidation"). |
Additional Text | The Proposed Unit Consolidation involves the consolidation of every five existing units in CEREIT held by unitholders of CEREIT as at a record date to be determined by the Manager into one Unit. Please see attached for details. |
Event Dates | |
Disbursement Details | |
Existing Security Details | |
New Security Details | |
Security not found | No |
Fractional Disposition Method | Round down fraction to last full unit |
Distribution Ratio (New: Old) | 1:5 |
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