Investor Relations


Intermediate Securities Distribution :: Mandatory

BackOct 30, 2018
Announcement Title Intermediate Securities Distribution
Date & Time of Broadcast Oct 30, 2018 23:59
Status New
Corporate Action Reference SG181030RHDIRPA7
Submitted By (Co./ Ind. Name) Simon Garing
Designation Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer
Underwritten Yes
Shareholders' Approval Required? Yes
Shareholders' Approval Obtained No
Financial Year End 31/12/2018
Foreign Shareholder Eligibility No
Rights Issue Announcement 30 October 2018.pdf
Acquisition Announcement 30 October 2018.pdf
Issue and Despatch of Circular.pdf
Event Narrative
Narrative Type Narrative Text
Additional Text Please see attached the following announcement: 1. Acquisitions and Proposed Rights issue.
Additional Text Sponsorhip Statement: Goldman Sachs (Singapore) Pte. and UBS AG, Singapore Branch were the joint issue managers for the initial public offering of CEREIT. DBS Bank Ltd., Goldman Sachs (Singapore) Pte., and UBS AG, Singapore Branch were the joint global coordinators for the initial public offering of CEREIT.
Additional Text DBS Bank Ltd., Goldman Sachs (Singapore) Pte., UBS AG, Singapore Branch, Daiwa Capital Markets Singapore Limited and CLSA Singapore Pte Ltd were the joint bookrunners and underwriters for the initial public offering of CEREIT.
Rights Details
Security Not Found? Yes
Renounceable Yes
Rights Security Distribution Ratio- Underlying 100
Rights Security Distribution Ratio- Rights Security 38
Option Exercise
Issue Price (Per Rights) EUR 0.373
Disbursed Security
ISIN Name Security Type Distribution Ratio- Rights Distribution Ratio- Disbursed
Note- Any information entered in narrative will not be used in processing
Narrative Type Narrative Text
Renounceable Conditions
Narrative Type Narrative Text
Allow Over Subscription Yes


  1. Attachment 1 (Size: 555,831 bytes)
  2. Attachment 2 (Size: 1,029,168 bytes)
  3. Attachment 3 (Size: 79,889 bytes)
